Why the Columbus 10K? The Columbus 10K holds a special place as it was the first race I ran after moving here and joining CRC Elite three years ago. It’s more than just a race in my opinion; it’s a celebration of the Columbus community and the camaraderie among runners. This race is also unique as it inevitably becomes a fun reunion with my CRC teammates since this is a local race that most of us try to do/spectate if we can.
How has training been going/training updates? Training has been going well! I feel stronger than I did at this point last year which is exciting. The Columbus 10K comes at a perfect time to wrap up the spring racing season and provides a solid foundation as I start building towards a fall marathon.
What is your favorite part of the course? My favorite part of the race is shortly after mile 1, crossing the bridge over the Scioto on W. Rich Street. There’s something special about that bridge and it shows my favorite view of the city. I also like to think the Scioto deer statue gives good luck when I need it most.
What are your goals for the race? My goals are to reach the start line healthy, stay competitive, and have fun. If I can focus on those three and perform my best, hopefully I can set a PR.
What is your favorite tune-up workout/general 10K workout? One of my favorite workouts is the 18x1 minute on/1 minute off session for some quick and effective speed work. Another is a floating tempo, alternating every half mile between 10K pace and an honest recovery. It’s a sneaky way to accumulate up to 8 miles of solid work. Both are all thanks to the creativity of my coach!
What is your typical race morning schedule? I wake up about 2.5-3 hours before the race starts, hydrate with water (but probably coffee first...) and eat a light/carb-focused breakfast. I’ll do a few mobility exercises while listening to a pre-race playlist I begin curating the week of the race to keep the mood light and upbeat. I’ll reflect on my race plan that I made with my coach to help focus my energy. About 45 minutes before the race, I do a 2-mile warm-up, ideally with some CRC teammates also racing, where we keep things light and share some laughs. Shortly before the start, I will do a few light strides and then it’s go-time!